Sunday, December 18, 2011


Woot! these guys are pretty stellar, unique!

Midnight City by M83 on Grooveshark

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Sunday, November 20, 2011


Could be the weirdest band I have ever stumbled upon, but I like them.

Royksopp by Jordan Hanes on Grooveshark

The J Band

This is a song that you listen to at the end of a LOOONG week. Listen to more by them though, they're way chill :)

Take Our Turn by The J Band on Grooveshark

Sunday, October 30, 2011


So these guys are kind of weird. Like a mix between Muse, Mika, and Passion Pit. Their kind of crazy but enjoyable.

Saturday, October 15, 2011


Found these guys a while ago, they are really strange, yet surprisingly entertaining.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Mumford and Sons!

I would always listen on the radio and these guys came up. His voice is really unique and it always drove me insane cause they wouldn't say who was singing. Finally one day in the van I was enjoying some tunes on the radio, when all of a sudden they showed up; and from that day forward I knew who they were. All their songs are good, and they are really chill; enjoy!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Wednesday, September 14, 2011


So I was looking up Coldplay stuff, and I fell upon this song. It's their newest song, and it came out like last week or something like that. It's kind of like a prequal to their new album that comes out in October. The only thing I don't like about it is the fact that it has a more modern look about it, but they make it work. Enjoy!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011


This could possibly be the strangest band name i have ever heard of, the music is very strange but strangely entertaining to listen to. My favorite song is Um, Circles, and Squares it ends up becoming a Tron like track, but it is still very good, I hope you enjoy!

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Wednesday, August 10, 2011


I know it's been a while but I am still very lazy and just don't do any thing, so I got something good for you now. This song is by Radiohead, and everyone likes them; it is called Everything in it's Right Place, it's a pretty weird song but it just gets to you. I first heard it in a movie trailer for the new Shakespeare movie (I don't know what it is called) but enjoy!

Sunday, July 31, 2011

The White Stripes

This song just relaxes me so much, indeed it may come from Napoleon Dynamite, buy I still enjoy it thoroughly. You should too!

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Praise You

You can't really appreciate this song unless you see this, it's probably the only reason I like this song at all. Thanks Steve. Enjoy!

Monday, July 25, 2011

The Books and what not!!

Once upon a time I was watching The Blind Side and there was a song at the beginning that really captured me and now I really like it. It's called Cello Song by The Books feat. Jose Gonzalas. Enjoy!!!

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Fatboy Slim

Heard this a while ago while I was working and I got really into it and just started dancing very spontaneously, so i thought i would share it with the world. Enjoy!!!!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Faded Paper Figures

Found these guys last week, they are a lot like Freelance Whales and Radical face, a little more chill then them, but still way cool. I would suggest listening to at leas North by North and Logos, they are probably my favorite out of all of these, enjoy!!

Friday, July 15, 2011

Radical Face

So Ya... I bet your all sick of this chill indie crap, I'm almost over this random feddish so just deal with it a little longer. These guys are amazing, really unique voice and such ya. Enjoy!!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Good Stuff!!

This right here I found while finding some other stuff. It just so happens to be from the greatest movie ever made: Napoleon Dynamite. Enjoy!

Friday, July 8, 2011

Arcade Fire

I just had to add this song. This song always makes me so happy!

Strawberry Swing

I thought that while I am on this Coldplay thing, I should show a sick video by them. Most of the time their music videos are just them singing, so its crazy to get a good one.


Coldplay will always and forever be the greatest band that was ever formed for the enjoyment of society. I thought that I would put up some classic Coldplay up (even though its not Christmas, one of the songs should totally be up). The only thing I am starting to lose respect for Coldplay is the fact that they are starting to go with the "modern way" of music, with all that rubbish that is on the radio 24/7, but they are still amazing, enjoy!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Freelance Whales

I stumbled across this song by researching this band thanks to my good friend Steve. It kind of puts you in a trance, very weird.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Ok Go

Thought I would share this video as well, this is easily my favorite Ok Go music video out there.


Just thought I would put up some music just for the summer. You can never get enough Cake in your day.

Saturday, July 2, 2011


Hi! I heard this song this week, and I'm pretty sure most have heard this song, but not really listened to it. The song is called Boston by Augustana, the beginning is by far the best part of the whole song. Enjoy!

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Of Montreal

Thanks to my good friend Steve, I have the opportunity to show you one of the weirdest music videos I have stumbled upon while looking for music. The band is called Of Montreal and the song has a really long name: Wraith Pinned to the Mist. Don't judge me by watching this video, the beginning gets you hooked, but it is strangely entertaining to watch. Enjoy!

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Passion Pit

This here is Passion Pit, they are probably one of the weirder bands you will listen to. I found these guys out a while back in like February, but I would love to share them now. If you were to choose any of the songs to listen to I would choose Little Secrets or The Reeling, they are my favorites of all of them. Enjoy!

Monday, June 20, 2011


This music video is very strange, yet it hard not to watch all the way to the end. This band is called Beck, and they are really cool. The singer is probably my favorite part of the band, he is the skinny white dude who can rap like a crazy person, but he incorporates it into his music really well. I would suggest looking them up, enjoy!

Sunday, June 19, 2011


Some might be wondering, "why might this Serenity Now! thing be up," well I have the answer. It turns out that Seinfeld might be my favorite TV show that hit the program. I was thinking the other day about band names for Battle of the Bands next year. My sister suggested She Likes Cloth or something along the lines of Band Name, then I experienced inspiration while thinking of my last year's band: Festivus.

Festivus comes from a holiday made up in the last season of Seinfeld that George's father made up, so I went off that and was thinking about stellar phrases from the show and remembered Serenity Now! And that is where we are at this moment. So maybe when you here of the band Serenity Now! you will know who it is.

Any ways, lets get down to the neeeedy greeety. I discovered this band while doing the Pandora-Youtube research method going off of the last band I posted, Noah and the Whale. Their name is Blind Pilot and they are super chill to listen to. The whole album is pretty sweat, but if you only have time listen to a couple, I would suggest you listen to Oviedo and The Story I Heard, they are probably my favorites. If you like the chill atmosphere of the acoustic guitar, you will really like these guys. Enjoy!

Saturday, June 18, 2011


Hi There! well it turns out that this is my very first post on my very first blog ever.
Let's cut to the chase then. This here blog is to show what music I may have found through research and other such music listening activities that I really loved. I do indeed listen to a wide range of music (and every once in a while I might enjoy some of the rubbish that teens listen to on the radio), and I end up going through different phases of certain kinds of music, so there should be a nice enjoyable playlist you may want to make from the music I post.

Now for my first post ever I would like to include some of the music that I have recently enjoyed listening to. I found this band going to Zion National Park, when an old dude I was driving with put this on: Noah and The Whale. They are like the OK GO of England and they are super weird an I thought they were kind of strange but I gave them a chance and went home and did some research and I really like them right now.