So I found this guy literally like... yesterday. He's way chill and is a real life red head, dope huh? Well the two best on this playlist are When I Go and Ain't No Reason. They are fantastic! Enjoy!
Well I stumbled upon this guy about three days ago, and I love his work. All of his music is way chill and just nice to listen to at the end of a long day, and the guitar is awesome in almost all his songs. Not to mention he has a sweet beard. Any ways, my favorite is Please Forgive Me. Enjoy!
William Fitzsimmons by Jordan Hanes on Grooveshark
Well friends, here I am once again...6 months later... Any who. I have recently found some really chill music, and every one knows I love me some chill music. These guys are called The Barr Brothers they are way chill and sound awesome. There is indeed a weird harp that they have in all of their songs, but the make it work. I especially like Ooh Belle and Old Mythologies. Enjoy!
The Barr Brothers by Jordan Hanes on Grooveshark